One on One Personal Coaching
A life coach can guide you, teach you, and support you in achieving things in your life that you’ve wanted—or once had and want back.
Life coaches can help you achieve greater success in your career, your relationships, your self image, your physical and emotional health and so many other aspects of your life.
As a certified life coach, I will help you to get better results and to get the things that you want. Coaching guides you to get more from your life, your career, your relationships, and yourself. I ask questions and help you clarify your goals, as well as working with you to define your priorities and values, and will provide feedback. I may suggest assignments such as reading or encourage you to put new tools into practice. As your life coach I will help you get and stay organized, and help keep you directed, focused, and moving forward. Your challenge could be as big as seeking your life purpose, or simply wanting more energy and avoiding burnout.
What is Your Plan?
If you don’t have a clear vision of what you want, and if you don’t have a plan or an outline how to get it, then your chances of actually achieving what you want are slim. Don’t worry—you’re not alone.
Let a life coach guide you, ask you some tough questions, and work with you to strategize, plan, focus, and get things done. Let go of your pessimism, excuses, and anger, and GET MOVING forward!
Areas of focus:
Balance – Time Management and Organization,
Relationships – Friendships, Family, Marriage and Divorce
Happiness – Personal and Professional
Loss –Grieving changes
Fitness– Nutrition and Exercise
50 minute one on on session- $135 (in office or Skype)
Email Coaching- up to 12 emails a month-$135 a month
Corporate Coaching
As an employer, do you feel like some of your employees are stuck or lacking motivation professionally? Are they suffering from burnout or perhaps need the assistance of an outside, objective professional? Do your employees need help finding a way to understand your company's purpose, and a partner to create a plan of action to make their daily lives at work joyful and meaningful? An experienced life coach can help you think carefully about what the challenges are, and find opportunities to empower both you and your employees. Career coaching offers a bespoke, interactive form of learning for both employers and employees. Skills learned from this type of program benefit the organization and the individual. This type of work is deeply motivational, and can inspire individuals to reach higher goals.
Anyone in the workplace can benefit from career coaching. From the established executive to entry level assistant I can help you create a plan of action to make your work life joyful and meaningful.
Areas of focus:
Roadblocks — Identifying and Restructuring Strategies
Productivity — Time Management
Advancement — Productive Self Promotion
Career Change — Transitioning
Please contact Allison Goldberg to discuss your individual request for group or corporate session pricing.
What Coaching isn't...
Life coaching is a form of counseling that does not focus on emotions and processing them, but on creating plans of action and creating attainable goals. The assistance of a professional life coach, who has experience and knowledge, can help you learn and master important tools and strategies for planning and organization.
Coaching ISN’T about fixing “broken” people. In fact, most people who hire coaches are already very successful. Yet in their success, they realize they can be even more successful, if they just make a few adjustments in their lives, and focus on specific goals. A coach helps you to do exactly that.
Coaching ISN’T just pleasant chit-chat. The goal of coaching is to facilitate deep learning and lasting change. So the coaching conversation needs to be relevant and focused on creating change — and reaching goals.
Coaching ISN’T something everyone is good at. Sure, anyone can try to coach. But not everyone can coach well because it requires a mastery of advanced communication and relating skills, coupled with experience, knowledge and a special commitment to helping others flourish.
Coaching ISN’T about giving you the answers. It’s really about helping you figure out your own answers