The C Word 

Hey Sigmund (Guest Post)
Life coach Allison Goldberg writes about the struggles high school students and their parents face as they experience the big change of college transition. Part of the solution? Finding joy.

Life Coach Shares Secret to Balancing Life, Personal Success Story

Huffington Post
Allison Goldberg, a certified corporate and life coach is interviewed about her personal success story, and how her early struggles as a child helped her learn resilience and the art of planning. Her personal story illuminates how her clients — from parents and student facing college transition, to corporate executives — can benefit from her knowledge.

Balance and Love: The Secret to Happiness

Hey Sigmund (Guest Post)
In this essay about finding true joy, Life coach Allison Goldberg writes about ways to incorporate joy through learning which things are in our control.

Setback or Set up

Thrive Global
4 questions that will set you up for life's setbacks!

The Simplest Way to Feel Love and Happiness Everyday

Hey Sigmund (Guest Post)
What are your favorite things? Allison Goldberg writes about how to identify what brings you joy — and to make that your daily focus.